"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra
  • PLANT PROFILE: Lover Rose (Rosa, Rosaceae)

    Rose is one of my favorite plant spirits to work with! She holds the highest vibration, is a symbol of balance, joy, promise, hope, new beginnings, love, grace, flow and desire. Her extraordinary personality has a way of creating connection to ourselves and others, tugging at our heart strings, opening up vulnerability and grounding us in self love. She brings release, cleansing and renewing energy! A master of LOVE, heart holding and healing. I highly recommend smoking or drinking her as a tea during family and friend gatherings or one on one time with those close to you.

    I'll never forget the time I did an Akashic records reading with Sara Wong and she spoke into a deep bond that Rose and I shared in a past life. It was a lifetime of me as a goddess where my offering was Rose baths. I worked with royal woman, Queens and High Priestess, to cleanse their spirits. There were roses everywhere! I'd start by going up to the Red Roses, putting my hand over them and asking "Which Rose would like to work with Queen _____?" Then i'd pick that Rose and hold the petals in my hands while whispering "I use you for your highest vibration and highest good connected to Queen ______.” Adding my intention for healing then sprinkling the petals into the water. Next would be the Pink Roses, then Yellow Roses, offering the same blessings and intentions. The Queen would then enter the water and relax while I performed a ceremony with the Rose energy, using Rose oil to open the heart, cleanse and purify. The ceremony would conclude with Rose tea. Such a magical lifetime!

    This is my offering to you! Draw yourself a bath, whisper your blessings and intentions into a rose, sprinkle the petals in the water and get in. Anoint your skin with Rose oil, close your eyes and speak gratitudes to your heart for taking the time to give yourself some love and care. Have Rose tea prepared ahead for when you get out. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket and relax with the tea. See other ways to work with Rose below <3⠀⠀


    ROSE TEA INFUSION: 1/4 teaspoon of dried Rose per cup of water (a little bit goes a long way; adjust to taste).

    FLOWER ESSENCE: fill a mason jar 1/2 way with mountain spring water. Forge a fresh Rose Place the petals/body of the Rose in the mason jar and let them imprint in water under the sun (2-3hrs); remove the petals and fill the rest of the mason with alcohol to preserve. This becomes the "MOTHER." When using, you only need a dropper full.

    MEDICINE INFUSION: fill a mason jar 1/4 the way up with dried Roses (if using fresh petals, fill it up 3/4 and chop open the petals to release aromatics), and cover with menstruum of choice (alcohol/vinegar/glycerine). Place parchment paper over top, then lid. Store for 4-6 weeks in a dark space. Strain and bottle.

    HONEY: fill a mason jar 1/4 the way up with dried Rose (if using fresh petals, fill it up 3/4 and chop open the petals to release aromatics), and cover with honey. Place parchment paper over top, then lid. Store for 4-6 weeks in a dark space.  Strain and use.

    SMOKES: sprinkle her into a blend with Mullein and Damiana 

    **Please listen for the Rose/plant that calls to you.
    *Spend time communing with the plant, feeling its petals, observing its personality, speaking your intentions of how you plan to work with her and ask permission before forging. This is an opportunity to meditate and intuitively/deeply listen.
    *Once you get the go ahead from the plant, PLEASE only take what you need.
    *Give thanks and gift the plant with smoke (Sage/Palo Santo) water or a piece of hair.