"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra



"Krystle's approach to wellness is undeniably rooted in her intuitive connection to the plant kingdom.  From her tea blends and herbal smokes, to her cooking and tea meditations, I always experience a strengthened connection to life source within myself through her offerings.  I know I can trust Krystle to listen to the ethereal whispers of wholeness and love and infuse it into everything she touches. She's magical." - Michelle West Actor & Writer

"Before I experienced Sisterwolf’s tea blends, I was very skeptical of plant medicine. I’m just someone that was raised with prescribed drugs being the answer to everything. You have a headache, take Advil. You’re depressed, take Zoloft. However, never in my wildest dreams did I think plant medicine could support me, my body, my mind, my heart… and my soul. But holy crap it does! Through Krystle’s workshops, I was able to experience the wonders of plant medicine. My heart truly opened up and I experienced this overwhelming sense of grounding and clarity. I may have also cried like a baby… but who cares! It was beautiful. I’m so grateful for Sisterwolf Alchemy’s plant medicine blends and herbal smokes. Literally, whatever you’re going through, Krystle has a plant that can support you and your needs. She truly is a plant medicine queen!" Courtney Jackson Executive Director of Brand Partnerships for Endemol Shine North America

"With all the white noise surrounding our every day life it’s a gift to enter into a space in which your mind can slow down and redirect its focus to what’s truly important...your purpose. Krystle’s ceremonies are not just a space to disconnect from the external and connect with the internal, it’s a space to learn how to truly connect with yourself and others around you." - Drew Grabiner Insurance Agent

"Working with Krystle changed my entire outlook on what plants can do for us! They provide incredible health benefits and allow us to become aware of our selves, seeing how we operate in the present moment. During her ceremonies, she provides safe and unique plant blends and holds space for us to deeply connect with the spirit of the plants; she then shares about the personality of each plant and how they support us. I always take away healing from each experience with Krystle, seeing myself in a new light, getting clarity on where I get to go next and becoming even more connected with who I am.  It's always pure magic with Krystle because of how she facilitates the experience and the special plants she chooses." Adriana Vigil Health & Mindset Expert

"Krystle makes beautiful chakra opening teas & smokes that I fell in love with! Her process of selecting the plants to work with, asking permission for the use of the plants, waiting for a yes through her meditative process, never taking too much from one plant, giving thanks and then the love that she puts into the preparation of all of her products is felt with every experience I have when using her them. I've found a new respect and understanding by learning from her which is now being passed down to my children. I feel so blessed to have met Krystle and for the example and role she is playing in many lives. Krystle is incredibly talented and I would definitely recommend her as a chef and medicine woman to anyone seeking a beautiful relationship with food and or all products that she provides." Susan Eslinger Mother, Teacher & Intuitive Healer 


"Dining with Krystle is like dining at the Queens table! The love, art, and culinary craft which she has mastered as a chef create incredibly beautiful, delicious and healthful dishes! As a chef also, I am continually impressed by her varied education, practical expertise and understanding of nutrition and the body. Her approach blends traditions from Far East to West engaging the beautiful relationship between yumminess and true nutrition. Her food is a delight and she is truly extraordinary!" - Rebecca Hillebrand Chef & Performance Artist

“When I first heard that we were going to have a chef at our retreat cooking only vegan food, I was definitely nervous. Although I’ve eaten meals like this before, I didn’t know if could eat solely vegan for a duration of time. As it turned out, I loved every single meal Krystle prepared for us. She has a true talent, and I’m excited for Krystle to bring this gift to the world with her new business. There were 17 people on our retreat, and I imagine preparing and cooking for that many is not an easy job. I watched Krystle perform like a true professional who has been doing this forever, putting her heart and soul into every meal. I would highly recommend Krystle to anyone looking to get on a new healthy path.” - Ronnie Selinger President/CEO Nordis Technologies

“I am a gourmet cook and most likely for that reason very hard to please. I say this as emphatically as possible... Krystle is by far one of the greatest chefs ever!!!! She isn’t only one of the greatest chefs, but is indeed one of the kindest most loving people I have ever met! That combination makes the experience of dining with her amazing and wonderful. I hope she continues the amazing work she’s doing and invites me anytime she’s whipping up some of her fabulous creations!!!!!” - Vicky Derosa Coach/Speaker/Consultant  

"As a NYC businessman who travels extensively, I dine out far too often and despite being at some of the best restaurants in the country, I am not always able to eat the healthiest fare. So my recent opportunity to enjoy Krystle’s cooking was all the more special. At a five-day Mt. Shasta wellness retreat with 16 others, Krystle treated us to amazing meals. Her chef’s skills are broad, her menus are unique, the healthy ingredients she hand selects are so nourishing and the flavors are delicious! Contact Krystle for an amazing magical culinary experience!" Joe Proto CEO and Chairman at Transactis

“I met Krystle at a retreat called Uhnlock Shasta! She entered the house and filled it with all of the ingredients for a magical plant based food extravaganza! Her vibrant energy, organization and ease made her so magnetic you hardly wanted to leave her alone in the kitchen. The meals were colorful and bursting with flavors that made everyone smile for hours. Her knowledge of herbs and plant based dishes is just a small portion of what she contributes. She is beautiful, stylish, smart and so engaging that she would elevate any event to the highest vibration. Her earthy ways make for an amazing host for all different types of people and ages. She’s an old soul with a youthful energy and it’s an honor to be in her presence whether working beside her, sharing a meal or chatting like old friends you immediately feel you are in nurturing, trusting hands.” - Melissa Joy Maloul

“Krystle is amazingly talented at creating delicious, mouthwatering, not to mention mind-body-and-soul-nourishing meals, elixirs, and desserts. She’s a complete master in even the most meager of kitchens (seriously, I can't think of anyone who could do what she did cooking back to back meals for 20 of us for 2 days straight using what was basically a covered wagon-turned-kitchen parked in the middle of the desert). She had all of us consistently moaning over every bite and making her promise to share her recipes - many of which I still use to this day, and all of which I still dream about! Every ingredient she uses is carefully planned, mindfully sourced, and infused with love. And she uses her extensive knowledge of herbalism to make already healthy meals even more jam-packed with goodness. And on top of all that, she is a total sweetheart!  What more could you ask for?!” MacKenie Hunt - Lawyer