"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra
  • Beets Beets Beets!

    I don't know about you, but I've been happily receiving CSA boxes from County Line Harvest and am elated with all the root goodness! Particularly the Beets. I absolutely love roasted beets, raw beet salads, beets & quinoa, beet kraut, beet hummus, beet ravioli, there are so many magical dishes you can create.

    My ultimate favorite is Coconut Beetroot Puree. It's always a hit on every retreat, and I can proudly say I’ve converted many beet haters into beet lovers with this standout recipe.  It’s beyond delicious & beautiful, and I can't wait to share it with YOU!

    Before we get into the recipe, I believe it's important to know and understand the foods we are nourishing our bodies with. Below are benefits of Beets that make them even more stunning then their magenta color.

    *Good for the heart, using nitric oxide to open up the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure & heart rate.
    *Support athletes, bringing oxygen flow to the heart and lungs, allowing them to perform vigorous activity for longer.
    *Betalain in beets can reduce inflammation and protect against cancer; beets are known to have antioxidant properties, which protect cells from free radicals.
    *Fiber in beets resist digestion in the stomach & small intestine, traveling more or less intact into the colon, where your health-promoting gut bacteria ferment it and use it for food.
    *Great for the brain nitrates in beets can help improve brain function by increasing oxygen flow.
    *Boosts immunity they're high in zinc, copper, iron, vitamins A & C
    *Enhances libido Beets are rich in the mineral boron, which plays a role in sex hormone production. The effectiveness of dietary nitrates in beets to enhance blood flow can benefit sexual health as well. And some studies suggest beet juice can be effective in treating erectile dysfunction.
    *Great for eyes Beets contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are well-studied for their positive impact on vision. Consuming these carotenoids can prevent and slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of adult vision loss in America.
    *Wonderful for Liver Beetroot helps protect the liver from oxidative damage and inflammation. The betaines in beets help the liver eliminate toxins. And betalains encourage the detoxification process. Also, pectin, a water-soluble fiber in root vegetables, helps flush out toxins from the liver.
    RECIPECoconut Beetroot Purée 
    Servings: 2
    2 cups Beets (peeled and chopped)
    1/4 Sweet Onion (peeled and diced)
    1 1/2 tsp Garlic (minced/chopped)
    1 1/2 tsp Ginger (minced/chopped)
    1 tsp Coconut Oil 
    1/2 tsp Sea Salt 
    1/4 tsp Pepper 
    2 cups Broth (I used my homemade herbal broth blend, but veggie broth works great; if you don’t have broth on hand, you can use water)
    1/2 cup unsweetened Coconut Milk (full fat) OR 1/4 cup Coconut Cream 
    Garnish: fresh herbs of choice (Mint, Cilantro, Parsley, Dill...)
    *NOTE: have extra Sea Salt, Pepper, Coconut Milk/Cream to flavor to taste.


    What you’ll need:
    Parchment paper 
    Measuring cups & spoons 
    Small pot
    Blender or equivalent 
    Fork to check beet tenderness 
    Spoon to taste
    Your presence & taste buds!

    Lay a piece of parchment paper down on your cutting board; this is to avoid staining from the beets. Rinse your beets, peel and chop. Continue prepping the rest of the ingredients listed, that way you can put it all in the pot/blender when needed (in the culinary world we call this “Mise en place” which means everything in its place).


    Add coconut oil, onion, ginger, garlic, salt and pepper to a pot and sauté on medium heat for a couple of minutes; making sure to stir so nothing sticks or browns.  Add the beets and coat them with the onion/garlic/ginger sauté. Sauté for a minute, the mix should be really fragrant at this point. After a minute or so, add your broth. Bring pot to a boil (uncovered), then lower heat to simmer, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. You want the beets to be nice and tender; you can check by using a fork, if it easily goes through, the beets are done! Take the pot off the heat and allow it to cool slightly. 


    Head over to your blender with your pot, coconut milk, extra salt and pepper to taste. Add your entire pot to the blender; if you’re making a larger portion, you can add the beet mix in batches. Add your coconut milk and blend on high speed until mix is fully puréed (around 45-60 seconds); since it’s extra warm, as a precaution I like to cover the lid with a dish towel. 


    Now the most important part is that you flavor this creation to your taste. At this point I try the soup and ask myself what does it need? More coconut milk? Salt? Pepper? This is an excellent way to bring awareness to your taste buds and practice flavoring. 

    Once flavored to your liking, it’s ready to devour, and I promise you, that’s the only way this goes down! I love to top it off with fresh herbs, again preference to taste, but I usually go for Cilantro, Mint, Dill or Fennel Fronds!        

    Leftovers are even better and can be eaten warm or cold. This soup lasts up to 5 days stored in an airtight container.

    If you have questions, please don't hesitate to DM me @sisterwolfalchemy