"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra
  • INSPIRATIONAL SUNDAYS: Marysia Miernowska

    Every Sunday I’ll be writing about different people who have influenced my life journey. As a connector, I LOVE to bring attention to those that inspire me, have made an impact on my life or are part of the container I’ve created.

    Today I’m featuring my teacher and Polish sister Marysia Miernowska, director of the California branch of The Gaia School of Healing and Earth Education! Marysia is an herbalist, witch, biodynamic gardener and Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner rooted in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing. She holds ceremony, teaches herbal medicine, plant shamanism, regenerative farming practices, and Earth magic.

    I met Marysia while attending The Gaia School of Healing and was immediately in awe of her deep connection to Mother Earth, calm patience, openness, understanding and the ability to hold loving space. If I close my eyes, I can see her gently and respectfully gathering blossoming flowers, branches and earth elements to create a center alter to hold us through our sacred days together; she then begins to sage each of us with her magical owl wing, I can’t help but smile because I can feel the elder in her, the wise woman love through the air and smoke, entering my being and flowing through like a white swirling light. Freedom. Marysia creates FREEDOM.

    Spending 10 months with Marysia on the Gaia School journey forever changed my life. I’m so grateful that after attending, Marysia asked me to cook for the 2nd year of schooling, Gaia Rhythms, seasonal retreats. This was my greatest honor to date and of course another life altering journey through her magic that she so generously shares and weaves into EVERYTHING she creates.

    I could speak about her forever, but want to make sure I mention that she is not only the director of GS California, but she is also a full time mother to the cutest little witch angel, co-owner of @wildloveapothecary in Topanga Canyon and now a published author of “The Witch's Herbal Apothecary: Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making”.

    Thank you Marysia for BEING a portal of the earth, authenticity, reverence, integrity, empathy, compassion, gentleness, kindness, unconditional love, motherhood, friendship & sisterhood; thank you for believing, trusting and taking a chance on me to be a part of the Gaia Rhythms container with YOU 🙏🏻 if you don’t follow Marysia, go add her, she will elevate and inspire you beyond your imagination!

    Instagram: marysia_miernowska Facebook: Marysia Miernowska