"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra
  • PLANT PROILE: Lavender

    Soother to the 3rd eye, she gently calms all tension in the head and slows down thought patterns, opening us up to dreaming and intuitive perception. Lavender is a wonderful tonic to the nervous system, she balances emotions, easing depression and grief; a powerful ally for those with nervous exhaustion, stress, fatigue, insomnia and anxiety. She is a wonderful disinfectant, antiseptic and decongestant (helpful for colds, flu and lung congestion). She restores strength to those whose nervous systems have been weakened due to emotional, physical or spiritual stress. You can experience her as a tea infusion, herbal smoke, liqueur infusion, water, lotion, perfume, food, etc....

    Tea Infusion: 1 tbsp dried Lavender steeped in 16oz hot water for 20-30 minutes. Strain and drink. *She’s lovely mixed with Oat Straw
    Herbal Honey: Fill a mason jar with 1/3 Lavender (chop to open up the aromatics) and fill the rest of the jar with honey. Put a piece of parchment over the top to avoid rusting. Put the lid on a set in a dark space for 1-4 weeks.
    Herbal Smokes: 1/4 tsp Lavender sprinkled in with Mullein and Mugwort. 
    Liqueur: 1 part Lavender flowers and 3 parts Lemon Balm; can add 1 part sweeter. Pack into a mason jar. Fill jar with Brandy or Vodka just to cover herbs. Cover tightly with lid and set in a dark cool place for 3 months. Strain and rebottle.