"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra
  • RECIPE: Jasmine Coconut Milk

    I absolutely Love to infuse my homemade milks with medicinal herbs, because why not?! I mean any chance to play and commune with the plants, I'll take it!

    Some of my favorite blends are Butterfly Blue Pea Cashew Milk, Chamomile Cashew Milk, Rose Walnut Milk, Linden Almond Milk, Chaga Reishi Cinnamon Milk, the list goes on!  But for today, I'll be sharing a Jasmine Coconut Milk to pair with the Jasmine Coconut Yogurt recipe!

    A little about JASMINE: a beautiful heart opener, she's graceful, intoxicating, sensual, delicate and gentle flow. This plant spirit calms the nervous system, promotes joy and brings a natural sweetness to life!

    1 Cup of Unsweetened Desiccated Coconut Shreds
    2-3 Cups Jasmine Tea Infusion (the less infusion the more cream like the milk)
    *Infusion: put a handful of dried Jasmine flowers in a 32oz mason jar, fill the jar with boiling water and let them steep for 3-4hrs (to get full medicinal value). Strain.
    *Note: if you don't like Jasmine you can make this infusion with Rose, Chamomile,
    Butterfly Blue Pea, Hibiscus (for a more tart flavor), really any plant your prefer!
    1 Nut Milk Bag or Extra Fine Strainer
    1 Vessel for Milk
    Add Coconut shreds and Jasmine tea infusion to a blender. Blend on high speed 45-60 seconds until shreds are broken down. Pour through a nut milk bag, bottle and refrigerate.
    If using for Coconut Yogurt recipe set 1/4 cup to the side.

    *This milk infusion will be good for up to 4 days.