"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra
  • RECIPE: Jasmine Coconut Yogurt Parfait!

    I'm someone who loves to balance both sweet and salty, so of course after a savory meal I've got to have something to satisfy that sweet craving.  With that said, I steer clear of processed sugars and dairy, but this leaves tons of room for new fun creations! For example the yummy, vibrant homemade Jasmine Coconut Yogurt parfait pictured!

    Now, if you're not a fan of coconut, I can promise you this recipe will change that story. Coconut meat blended is a very different taste then coconut flakes that we often base our love or hate for coconut off of.  This recipe is smooth, creamy, fulfills that sweet craving and has wonderfully heart opening and health benefits (listed at the bottom)! 

    By this time you all know I infuse my food with medicinal herbs, and for todays recipe I've chosen Jasmine flowers. I've been hearing the call from spirit to share graceful heart opening & softening medicine, so here she is!

    JASMINE FLOWERS: beautiful heart opener, graceful, intoxicating, sensual, delicate and gentle flow. This plant spirit calms the nervous system, promotes joy and brings a natural sweetness to life! She's one of my favorites!

    2 cups Fresh/Frozen Coconut Meat (defrosted)
    1/8 + Jasmine Tea Infusion or Jasmine Coconut Milk (as needed)
    2 tsp + Blue Majik Powder (add more based on the color you want)
    1 tbsp + Honey (you can use any sweetener honey, maple, stevia, coconut nectar) 
    1/8 tsp Fresh Vanilla Bean OR Extract
    1 small handful Fresh Fruit- I used Blueberries 
    OPTIONAL: Fresh Mint, Edible Flowers 
    DIRECTIONS: blend coconut meat and Jasmine infusion/milk on high speed; the goal is to get a smooth texture, add more infusion until smooth (don’t want it watery, add a little at a time). Once you reach the desired texture, add the Honey, Vanilla & Blue Majik; blend until combined. Adjust ingredients to desired sweetness & look. Serve and enjoy!

    Since I like a little extra sweetness, I serve mine in layers, drizzling honey in the middle.
    You can also blend the fruit into the mix instead of as a topper. Banana would be a great option for added sweetness!


    *Coconut meat is rich in several important minerals, especially manganese and copper. While manganese supports enzyme function and fat metabolism, copper assists bone formation and heart health.
    *Coconut is a unique fruit because of its high fat content. Around 89% of the fat in its meat is saturated. Most of these fats are medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are absorbed intact in your small intestine and used by your body to produce energy.
    *Just 1 cup (80 grams) of shredded coconut provides 7 grams of fiber, which is over 20% of the DV. Most of this fiber is insoluble, meaning that it doesn’t get digested. Instead, it works to move food through your digestive system and aids bowel health.