"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra
  • PLANT PROFILE: Jasmine

    Lately I’ve been feeling the call to be with Jasmine flower. One of my words for May is “soften,” and for me Jasmine does just that. Her gentle grace and guidance transports me into a state of feminine bliss. I can’t help but surrender to her sweet smell and the feeling that flows around my heart as she dances through my body. 

    Something has been calling her in. I’ve been adding her to lots of recipes, medicine and blends these days to hold others hearts during these times. She’s here with us, asking that we honor our own journey with gentle care and compassion. That we open to the natural nourishment and medicine surrounding us; that we take in every moment and give gratitude to all the good and the uncomfortable feelings arising. 

    She’s here with us, on almost every block holding us gently, quietly, gracefully, lovingly, empathetically, openly and calmly. If you see her, stop, say hello, breathe in her medicine, and give thanks for all her magic. And maybe, she’ll offer you a flower or two to take home, to place in a sacred spot, so she can dance with you sweetly in your dreams.


    A little about JASMINE a beautiful heart opener, she's graceful, intoxicating, sensual, delicate and gentle flow. This plant spirit calms the nervous system, promotes joy and brings a natural sweetness to life!

    She's bursting with antioxidants, boosts the metabolism & promotes good oral health. Jasmine tea is full of l-theanine (helps support a healthier response to stress) bringing a calm focus to your days.

    She promotes skin health: studies show that some components of jasmine flowers may have cleansing properties while also supporting your skin’s natural ability to heal; concentrated jasmine tea might be the perfect addition to homemade skincare products.

    Jasmine tea tonifies & increases Yang. In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), balancing or regulating qi or life-force is essential for health and wellness. An imbalance in qi is expressed in terms of yin (cool, damp, dark) and yang (warm, dry, bright). People with low yang may include vegetarians, vegans, people who live in cold climates, have lethargy or low energy, or who work too much. Jasmine tea might be a perfect fit if you fall into any of these categories.

    1 small handful of dried Jasmine flowers in a 32oz mason jar
    Cover with boiling water
    Steep for 6-8hrs (I like to steep overnight for the full medicine extraction)
    Strain and enjoy!

    I LOVE adding Jasmine infusions to my Coconut Yogurt and my Coconut/Nut/Seed Milks!