"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra "And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." -Deepak Chopra


  • PLANT PROFILE: Lover Rose (Rosa, Rosaceae)

    Rose is on of my favorite plant spirits to work with! She holds the highest vibration, is a symbol of balance, joy, promise, hope, new beginnings, love, grace, flow and desire.  Her extraordinary personality has a way of creating connection to ourselves and others, tugging at our heart strings, opening up vulnerability and grounding us in self love. She brings release, cleansing and renewing energy! A master of LOVE, heart holding and healing. I highly recommend smoking or drinking her as a tea during family and friend gatherings or one on one time with those close to you.

    I had a session with a reiki healer about a year ago and she asked me “what’s your relationship with snakes?” I of course, without even taking a second, said FEAR!
    Here’s a question, when did I decide that snakes equal fear? When in my childhood was I told that snakes are scary and they’ll hurt me if I get too close? I mean, I’ve met humans like that (lol), ones that will bite you with their gaze if you get too close; humans that are like roses, beautiful and graceful to look at but the second you get too close they prick you with their thorns.
  • PLANT PROFILE: Sage (Salvia clevelandii)

    The smoke of Sage is used for purification, clearing everyday feelings and preparing us for ceremony, teachings and healing. She’s great for cleansing the home, enhancing the dream space, and after a nightmare to drive away disturbing images. I often use Sage smoke to cleanse my ceremonial objects, healing tools and space when making medicine. Her smoke is also an incredible gift to other plants when forging! The blessing herb can also be used by rubbing/brushing the leaves onto your body for purification & healing, carrying it for protection or placing it in ceremonial sites for ritual.

  • Wise words from Mystic Mamma: Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON

    "This Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON on the Capricorn/Cancer axis vibrates on the theme of personal authority, guiding us back to our seat of power. ⠀⠀⠀

    It illuminates the lines of our life choices, asking us to clearly see what has been driving them. Beneath it all, have our choices been based on a need to stay safe? Or propelled by social approval and acceptance? Or perhaps have they been unconsciously bound to some old programming that has been passed down for generations? Right now they are being realigned to emerge from the direct fount of our own truth and knowing...."